
Struggeling with life...

Hi, I realized how hard it is to find the time I think I need for my project.
Working full time, travelling in work and studying. All at the same time as I started up this journey in music.Good for me I got energy! But not always the time...:(

Anyway I found a little bit of time and started writing on a new song. It´s going to be called "Believe the King" or something like that and is a bit odd from what I use to write about. It is about a boy that is forced to become a soldier and how he loses his mind and feelings when getting in to slaughtering. Not very nice. I am also going to try to explain whats going o in his mind.

By the way I keep on training vocals and I successfully leart to "lip-roll" :) and use the breathing technique quite differently.

Ok, thats what I had to say for now.


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