
Aaargh! Getting insane here, lucky to have my music holding me up

There seems to be no job in sight for me yet, it's getting quite irritating being at home. Searching for jobs isn't what I dream of :( While I'm getting grumpy over that at least I have my music. What in the world should I have done without it?? It feels like that is one of few things that holds me up right now. But even the musicproducing have it's downsides. Sometimes I can't sound like I want to when recording the vocals and I put a lot of effort into developing my voice. And sometimes my collaborators just don't have time for my specific project. And I know, I try to take huge steps in minimal time. Then again, that's me and I can't have it any other way. I enjoy writing this blog and let you follow me in my ups and (mostly) downs (for the moment). When creativity goes down I feel like I am writing the same stuff over and over again. That's why I really would like to know what on this crazy journey you want me to write about. Feel free letting me know! //Grumpy MMR

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