
So this is how it went

Performance I did last saturday

Because of time constraints, I could only reherse 2 times with the band before performing. Keep in mind these 2 times were my only ones with a band ever.
Guess that could be enough if you were an experienced singer, which I'm not.

So off we went, thinking we could try my song out in the soundcheck. We did and it went, hrmm, ok.
We decided to just see what happened during the band gig and that maybe my song could be performed a bit later.
All of a sudden, the question hit me.
-Ready for your song?

Hell, yeah! Let's just do it!
I entered the stage without any feelings of nervousness what so ever. Even though I tried really hard to face those feelings, they were not present. Strange!

We started out wrong, which brought with it that I entered the song incorrect. Ah, never mind, no one heard this song before. Hopefully they think it's supposed to sound like this ;)

My first lines were pretty good, I believe. Then I got out of tune. But...I didn't care. I just went on like nothing happened and enjoyed my performance. For real, this was the coolest thing I ever done and I had SO much fun!! Now I can't wait to do it again, a little better next time.


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